Friday, June 24, 2016

Retired but still supporting teachers one product at a time.

So with great happiness, mixed with some sadness, I officially completed my last day of teaching on June 22, 2016. I will miss my colleagues as well as the children. For 26 years, my life has centered around school and children. I have so many projects floating around in my head, but one of my priorities is to continue to support teachers using my experiences to design products that will make learning and teaching more engaging. 

Mixed with that, I will be taking on the photographing of my daughter's fiber products for her Etsy shop  at
This has been a huge learning curve for me, but so exciting! I have never really used a complicated camera, so I needed to take online classes to learn the camera I chose. With help from my daughter, we have set up a light room and are currently in the process of taking pictures, as well as updating her shop. 

Stay tuned for more from Teachers Pay Teachers products as well as more from Llady Llama Fiber Co.!